Check the type of database engine

In MariaDB, I will introduce a SQL command to check the type of database engine.

I'm supposed to have InnoDB as the database engine for all my tables, but sometimes I make a mistake and some tables are MyISAM.

In such cases, it would be useful to be able to see the database engine on every table.

Check the type of database engine

A SQL command that checks the type of database engine.

You can see the type of database engine in the engine field of information_schema.tables.

  table_name, engine
  table_schema = database ()
order by

This is an example of the output result.

+ ----------------------- + -------- +
| table_name | engine |
+ ----------------------- + -------- +
book | InnoDB |
| author | InnoDB |
| publisher | InnoDB |
+ ----------------------- + -------- +

Change the database engine

If you want to change the database engine, use the "alter table change database engine" command.

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